We can help you get from confused to confident when bully proofing your child.​

Confident kids are less likely to get picked on

confident kids are less likely to be bulled
Take the first step in bully proofing your child. Download the free 4 Steps to Bully Proof Your Child Quickly Guide.

Confident kids are less likely to be picked on by their peers. You can tell that a child has confidence by the way that they walk, talk and interact with the world. 

For some kids, confidence comes naturally, for others it can be a skill that parents help their child develop.

Traits of Confident kids

1. They look people in the eye when they are talking to them

    2. Confident kids respond if they are being picked on

    3. Confident children have been taught to be assertive

    Watch our FREE WORKSHOP and learn how to bully proof your child.


    Do you worry about your child being picked on? Our Bullyproof Your Child Quickly Guide will show you how to bullyproof your child in just 4 simple steps. The guide includes our letter to the school template. It’s a game changer–get it free for a limited time!

    Confident kids Look people in the eye

    Confident children look others in the eye when they are speaking to someone. They’re not staring at the floor or looking in the opposite direction. 

    The Montessori School trains its students to greet their teacher, look them in the eye, and shake hands before they enter the classroom. Greeting people and looking them in the eye is a life skill that kids will use for years to come.

    Depending on when you grew up, looking people in the eye may not seem like a big deal to you. If you were born in a generation where you were trained to do this by your parents it just seems normal and expected.

    If you have ever had to deal with a teenager who has grown up interacting only by phone, you will see the lack of ability to interact with people properly.

    It’s difficult to land a job or get into grad school when you can’t interact with the person interviewing you. 

    Confident kids respond if they are being picked on

    The second thing confident kids do is they respond if they’re being picked on.

    They have the confidence to know that it’s okay to respond that they don’t have to take it. They respond in an appropriate way and tell the person to stop their negative behaviour. 

    Confident kids are assertive in a positive way

    Some folks confuse being assertive for being rude or downright mean. Assertiveness is the ability to speak clearly about something and set appropriate boundaries with others.

    Teaching your child that it is OK to assert yourself in a polite way is a necessary skill. Your child may have asked for cheese pizza but you accidentally gave him a piece of meat lovers with three kinds of meat.  

    Instead of eating the pizza, your child needs to have the ability to speak up and say, “I think you gave me the wrong kind of pizza, mom” 

    Your child needs to have the ability to speak up with confidence to get the things that he or she wants.  People who don’t learn to communicate their needs and wants end up feeling resentful towards others in their relationships.

    Learn how to protect your chid from bullies quickly with our FREE TRAINING video. This class is perfect for parents of kids (6 – 12) who want to prevent or stop their child being targeted by bullies.

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    Got any comments, questions or tips for building about raising a confident kid who won’t get picked on? Share them in the comments below.

    Confident kids are less likely to get picked on


    Do you worry about your child being picked on? Our Bullyproof Your Child Quickly Guide will show you how to bullyproof your child in just 4 simple steps. The guide includes our letter to the school template. It’s a game changer–get it free for a limited time!


    Bryn Todd

    I created this site to help parents bully-proof their children and turn bullying situations around… Read more

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