We can help you get from confused to confident when bully proofing your child.​

Comebacks are like a secret weapon that can stop bullying

Comebacks are a secret weapon to stop bullying
Take the first step in bully proofing your child. Download the free 4 Steps to Bully Proof Your Child Quickly Guide.

When a child starts to get bullied at school, all of a sudden, other kids think they can gang up on their classmate as well. A lot of the kids are followers with a herd mentality and they jump on board when they see that another classmate is being picked on.

I was in a Facebook group a mom  was saying, all these kids were great ganging up on her son saying things like, “Your artwork sucks.” Another kid in the class was saying,  “I hate you.” This innocent elementary school child was being attacked by a bunch of different schoolmates when the teacher wasn’t watching. 

When a situation like that occurs, what you need is a disruptor, otherwise children will keep picking on the child and it is very difficult to get the kids to stop.

Watch our FREE WORKSHOP and learn how to bully proof your child.


Do you worry about your child being picked on? Our Bullyproof Your Child Quickly Guide will show you how to bullyproof your child in just 4 simple steps. The guide includes our letter to the school template. It’s a game changer–get it free for a limited time!

Comebacks can stop bullying quickly

When a child uses an amazing comeback, it disarms the other person, because they just don’t know what to say. It just leaves them speechless, and it stops them. 

When my son was being bullied at school, this was one of things we used to turn the situation around quickly.

My son was so great with comebacks that people completely stopped bothering him altogether.

Comebacks are kind of like a secret weapon, think of it like a sword dual where the other person doesn’t have a sword. 

My son used three different comebacks on different kids publicly in front of others when they tried to embarrass him. None of the kids who were bullying him ever said anything to him again because they knew he would make them look  bad.

The trick to using comebacks is you need to know what to say and how to say it.

From running the largest verbal self defense website, I have heard from thousands of people that my system has completely turned the situation around for them. It works for adults and for children.

What I have found is people keep picking on you because they think that they can get away with it. 

Some folks say that using comebacks are wrong and mean but when a child is being picked on by their peers, it is the best defense that they have.

If your child is being teased at school, our Verbal Self Defense for Kids Made Easy program will help you turn the siutaiton around quickly.

There is nothing worse than being publicly humiliated and not being able to stand up for yourself. 

Learn how to protect your chid from bullies quickly with our FREE TRAINING video. This class is perfect for parents of kids (6 – 12) who want to prevent or stop their child being targeted by bullies.

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    Do you worry about your child being picked on? Our Bullyproof Your Child Quickly Guide will show you how to bullyproof your child in just 4 simple steps. The guide includes our letter to the school template. It’s a game changer–get it free for a limited time!



    2 Responses

    Bryn Todd

    I created this site to help parents bully-proof their children and turn bullying situations around… Read more

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